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Roll-over for 2024-2025

Reading Lists (RLO) for 2024/25 has now completed.

This is where published lists are copied, and the copied version is assigned to the next academic year (2024-25). You should now see 2 versions for each of your published lists, one with the current academic year (2023-2024), and one for the next academic year (2024-2025).

Any new lists you make now has the option to be assigned to 2024-25 from the 4th June. You should not need to use it to create copies of your 2023-24 lists for 2024-25, as this will have happened with our system roll-over.

Any issues please contact us.

New Academic Year Module Codes

Module codes for the academic year 2024/25 have now started to be added to the RLO system. If you have already created an RLO for a new module, please add the module code to the RLO. Adding the module code and academic year will enable the automatic linking between your Blackboard Ultra Module Site and the RLO.

Any issues please contact us.

Automatic Review switched on

We have been able to switch back to automatic reviewing of lists earlier than anticipated.

Lists will now go to review whenever you make a change and click publish.

Any issues please contact us.